Friday, February 24, 2012

"Marriage is an institution between a man and a woman", that is the definition of a marriage that opponents to the same-sex marriage are willing to defend until the end. Recently a California Court of Appeals declared Proposition Eight, banning same-sex marriage, to be unconstitutional; last Thursday the Maryland Senate voted to legalize same sex marriage making part of the list of states that already issue marriage licence to same sex couples. It seems that there has been a progressive change in mentality and people are more receptive to changes in society. Unfortunately for some and fortunately for others the definition of marriage that we have known for centuries has to be restated so it does not discriminate on the basis of gender.


  1. I think marriage is between a man and a woman only. I think that same sex unions should have equal protection under the law from both State and Federal.

  2. Being a Californian, I've written substantially on Prop 8. My basic premise in my writings on it is that because nature does not condone or recognize as legitimate same-sex marriage/relationships, man made law cannot condone or sanction them either. If you are interested, you can read by "Treatise on Marriage Equality" where I discuss this topic in depth, which can be found here:

    I personally don't care if two homosexuals want to pretend they are in a relationship, and I think they should be allowed to "married" in churches and live together that way without penalty of law or being outlawed; I don't agree with it, but that's their agency to do so. But man-made law cannot sanction or recognize as appropriate marriage this kind of relationship because nature itself does not, and man-made law cannot contradict nature and its laws.

    In addition, all these states that are legalizing or sanctioning by law same-sex marriage are merely opening up a door for proponents of other types of marriages, such as bigamous/polygamous marriages, marriages between minors without consent of minor's guardians, incestuous marriages, and even interspecies marriages, to complain and seek sanction, legalization and recognition by state law, using the same arguments as same-sex proponents. So how far a same-sex marriage proponents willing to go? They are opening a door for more than they likely bargained for.

  3. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I was against same sex marriages. Morally I don't agree but under the law I believe it is a violation of their rights.
