Friday, March 9, 2012

Affirmative Action case reaching the Supreme Court

Affirmative action refers to policies that take factors including "race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin"into consideration in order to benefit an underrepresented group, usually justified as countering the effects of a history of discrimination. It is a practice that has been used in areas such as employment and Universities' admission practices. However it benefits minorities, its constitutionality has been questioned in the past by applicants that don't belong to these groups. Groups against Affirmative Actions state that it contradicts its purpose creating more discrimination. On the other hand supporters see it as a big opportunity for minorities to have access to the schools that were once predominantly white. The first case decided by the Supreme Court deciding this issue was back in 1979, California v. Bakke. In this case an applicant to medical school was denied admission because of a special program that secured 16  of the 100 seats to the entering class. The majority of the justices agreed that he shouldn't have been denied admission. Thurgood Marshall the only black justice in the panel wrote a very powerful dissenting opinion. History is trying to repete itself this time with justice Sotomayor in the Supreme Court; Fisher v. Texas is schedule to be heard in fall by the Supreme Court. Sotomayor has expressed her positive views about Affirmative Action, however it is expected that the majority of the justice will rule against this practice. Either writing the majority , concurring or discenting opinion; justice Sotomayor is expecting to bring some controversy to this case. I really hope she makes history like Justice Thurgood Marshall... I'm a big fan of her !!!!